Diet is a term that we know is related to the effort to lose weight. Some advice or advice we often hear like "do not eat dinner if you want to be thin". Is it true?
Here are some facts of the myth that has been heard:
Reducing carbohydrates can help you lose weight
Fact: Carbohydrates have two types of simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are commonly found in candies and cakes. Complex carbohydrates are commonly found in whole wheat bread, nuts, and fruits that contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Not all carbohydrates need to be reduced, complex carbohydrates can still be consumed or become a healthy menu. Not all carbohydrates need to be reduced, complex carbohydrates can still be consumed or become a healthy menu.
Foods that have no fat label can be consumed as much
Fact: Many low-fat or nonfat foods generally contain sugar, starch, or salt. So it is likely to contain high calories. Check the nutrition label to see the number of calories contained in the food.
Breakfast can help you lose weight
Fact: Right! Eating a healthy breakfast can help manage hunger and help to prevent snacking.
Eating at night will make the body fat easily
Fact: People who eat at night do tend to gain weight. One of the reasons is the selection of food. Eating foods that contain high calories at night can increase weight. If hungry at night, choose foods such as low-fat yogurt or fruits.
People who are overweight are hard to have a healthy body
Fact: Overweight can increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes. The longer you have excessive weight the more risky a person suffering from disease complications.
Fasting can help a person to lose weight quickly
Fact: Generally many ornags perform unhealthy fasting such as closing fasting by consuming high-calorie foods.
Eating vegetables can help to lose weight
Fact: Vegetables have low calorie content, low fat and high fiber that can help to lose weight. However, proper planning is required so that the composition of the meal does not contain high calories.
Supplements can lose weight
Fact: There are some supplements that mention can help you lose weight. But according to research, these supplements are not effective.
Restricting eating and activity is more of a best effort to lose weight
Fact: Right! If the body releases more energy or activity than the incoming calories it can help you lose weight. Calories that accumulate in the body can turn into fat and cause weight gain.
Diet is not to manage the body, but dietary change efforts become more healthy so as to obtain ideal body weight.
- Healthline. (2015, 14 October). Top 12 Biggest myths About Weight. Retrieved 11 October 2017 from:
- Medline Plus. (2016, 24 April). Myths and Facts Diet. Retrieved 11 October 2017 from:
- WebMD. (2008, 28 October). The Truth Behind 10 Myths Diet. Retrieved October 11, 2017 from: