
Seated for too long

- Thursday, November 16, 2017
Seated for too long
Seated for too long

Why Are Too Much Seed Dangerous For Health?

One study states that a person who spends more than 4 hours a day has several risks such as cardiovascular disease.
In some studies stated that sitting for long periods is associated with a number of health problems such as obesity or metabolic diseases. One study states that a person who spends more than 4 hours a day has several risks, such as:
  • Has a 50% increased risk of death caused by any cause.
  • Have about 125% increased risk of cardiovascular disease such as chest pain or heart attack
Increased risk of heart disease is different from the risk caused by smoking or high blood pressure. Some solutions can be done to move more. Simple movements can be done like standing in the work area or walking within minutes.
Simple relaxed movements can have a positive impact such as burning more calories, losing weight, and increasing energy. Muscular activity is required for standing and other movements can trigger important processes related to breaking down fats and sugars in the body. While sitting, this process becomes stuck and the risk of disease increases.

What are the risks that can occur due to too long sitting?

  • Too much sitting can reduce the number of calories burned
  • Sitting in front of a laptop or computer for too long just takes a little energy. This condition also causes the calories burned is also limited.
  • Too much sitting can increase the body fat buildup
  • The fewer calories burned the more likely the weight gain. This condition causes an increased risk of obesity or overweight.
  • Too much sitting can increase the risk of some diseases
  • People who sit too much have an increased risk of 112% of type 2 diabetes mellitus and 147% of heart disease.

How to stay healthy and fit while working?

  • Prepare a healthy snack at work desk to limit excessive caloric consumption while working. Having fruits for snacks while working is healthier than eating cakes or candies.
  • Sufficient water needs by consuming 8-10 glasses every day can help the body lack fluids. Eat foods that have high water sources such as oranges, grapes, watermelons, and apples to help the body stay healthy and not lack of fluids.
  • Doing simple exercise like walking around the office or up and down stairs.
  • Eat a healthy menu for lunch.
  • Set the distance between eye and computer layer to prevent headache and eye strain.
