Liver Organs Disturbance |
One of the causes of disorders of the liver or liver is to consume excessive alcohol and have fat accumulation in the liver.
Liver or liver or liver is an organ that has the size of a soccer ball that is right under the ribs in the right abdomen. The liver plays an important role in the digestive system of food and cleanses the body of toxic substances.
Liver disorders can be genetically inherited or caused by various factors that can damage the liver such as viruses and alcohol use. Obesity can also cause liver damage. Over time, damage to the liver can lead to cirrhosis, liver failure, and other life-threatening conditions.
What are the signs and symptoms of liver organ disorders?Here are some signs and symptoms due to the occurrence of liver disorders are:
- Skin and eyes that are yellowish or commonly called jaundice.
- Experiencing pain and swelling of the abdomen.
- The skin becomes itchy
- The color of the urine becomes darker
- The color of the stool becomes pale or there is blood in the stool
- Experiencing chronic fatigue
- Have nausea or vomiting
- Experiencing a loss of appetite
- Experiencing easy bruising tendencies
What is the cause of liver disorders?
Disorders of the liver are caused by several things such as:
- Infection. Parasites and viruses can infect the liver, cause inflammation and can reduce liver function. Viruses that cause liver damage can be spread through blood or semen, contaminated food or water, or close contact with an infected person. The most common types of liver infections are hepatitis A, B, and C.
- An abnormal immune system. Diseases in which the immune system can attack certain parts of the body and can affect liver function.
- Genetic factors. Abnormal genes inherited from one or both parents can cause various substances that are formed in the liver so that it can lead to liver damage.
- Cancer and tumors that can grow.
- Other causes such as excessive alcohol consumption and fat accumulation in the liver.
What are the risk factors for liver disorders?
Factors that can increase the risk of liver disorders are:
- Excessive alcohol consumption or alcoholism.
- Using a syringe together
- Have a tattoo or piercings
- Exposed by body fluids or blood from the patient
- Doing sex free without using a safety like a condom.
- Exposed by chemical compounds or toxins
- Have a history of diabetes
- Obesity
- It has a high triglyceride content in the blood
Maintaining a healthy heart can be done with changes in lifestyle and diet.
Source:- Mayo Clinic. (2014, July 15). Liver Disease. Retrieved 19 June 2017 from: