
How to Handle Food Poisoning

- Wednesday, November 15, 2017
How to Handle Food Poisoning
How to Handle Food Poisoning
How to Handle Food Poisoning?
One of the signs and symptoms of food poisoning is diarrhea and vomiting that can lead to complications of dehydration or loss of body fluids. consume electrolyte fluid can be done for preventive therapy or dehydration at home.

One of the signs and symptoms of food poisoning is diarrhea and vomiting that can lead to complications of dehydration or loss of body fluids. consume electrolyte fluid can be done for preventive therapy or dehydration at home.

Food poisoning is a disorder caused by food contaminated by bacteria, viruses, parasites, or toxins. Organisms or toxins that infect or contaminate food can occur in any food processing process. Food contamination can also occur at home when food is wrongly handled or cooked. Symptoms of food poisoning can occur while consuming contaminated food. Generally food poisoning starts from the category of mild to severe. In the mild category, food poisoning can heal without treatment. However, in some severe cases requiring hospital treatment.

What are the signs and symptoms of food poisoning?
The symptoms of food poisoning vary depending on the cause. Generally food poisoning causes one or more signs and symptoms, such as:
  • Nausea
  • Gag
  • Watery diarrhea until bleeding
  • Abdominal pain and cramps
  • Fever
Signs and symptoms generally begin to feel a few hours after consuming contaminated food or perhaps a poisoning reaction can occur after days. The duration of signs and symptoms of poisoning can occur for several hours to several days.

What is the cause of food poisoning?
Food contamination can occur from an early stage such as when fruit is still beginning to grow, picked, processing, storage, delivery, or preparation when it will be consumed. Cross-contamination is common, especially when preparing raw foods such as salads. Food that is not cooked or not cooked properly can cause food poisoning because harmful organisms do not die before consumption.
The causes of food poisoning or organisms that contaminate food are:

Bacteria are the most common cause of food poisoning. Some of the bacteria that can cause food poisoning are E.coli, Listeria, and Salmonella.
  • Parasite
  • Food poisoning caused by parasites causes signs and symptoms that are different from bacterial contamination. Toxoplasma is the most common parasite in food poisoning. Toxoplasma is commonly found in cat feces. The parasite can live on the digestive system without showing signs and symptoms. However, people who have weakened immune systems and pregnant women can be at risk of serious side effects if the parasite lives in the intestine.
  • Virus. Food poisoning can also be caused by a virus. One of the serious viral contamination of food is hepatitis A virus.
What may increase the risk of food poisoning?
The risk of food poisoning can occur depending on the organism present in the diet, the number of organisms in the diet, age, and health condition of a person. Here are some groups of people who have a higher risk of food poisoning :
  • The elderly (elderly)
As you get older the immune system does not respond quickly and effectively to kill the organisms that enter the body.
  • Women who are pregnant
During pregnancy, changes in metabolism and body circulation may increase the risk of food poisoning. The reactions that occur can be more severe during pregnancy.
  • Infants and toddlers
Immune system in infants and toddlers can not yet fully develop.
  • People with chronic illness
Decreased immune system function in people who have chronic disease conditions such as diabetes, liver disorders or AIDS, or are doing chemotherapy.

How to handle food poisoning?
Treatment for food poisoning generally depends on the source of the disease and the severity of the symptoms. In general, signs and symptoms of food poisoning can heal without treatment within a few days, but also in some cases poisonings may occur longer. Handling of food poisoning that can be done is:
  • Treatment for replacement of lost fluids
Fluids and electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and calcium that maintain the balance of body fluids can be lost during diarrhea or vomiting. In severe diarrhea and vomiting conditions hospitalization is necessary to obtain fluid and electrolyte intake through blood vessels to prevent or overcome dehydration. In diarrhea conditions that can be done at home care can consume oralit liquids to prevent or overcome dehydration.
  • Antibiotic therapy
Consult your doctor for antibiotic therapy if food poisoning is caused by bacterial contamination of food. Antibiotics can not help overcome food poisoning caused by viruses.
Therapy to help stop diarrhea or vomiting
Consult your doctor or pharmacist for the selection of medications that treat diarrhea and vomiting.